The Flanders Group exists to help our clients plan for their ideal futures, protect their assets, and prosper throughout their lives. We partner with our clients to develop tax-optimized financial solutions designed to help achieve client goals and reduce anxiety about the future.
- We believe in a commitment to continuous improvement in all areas of life for our clients and ourselves.
- We believe that working as a team with our clients is integral to designing plans focused on each individual client’s current situation and future goals.
- We believe the language we use with clients must be easy to understand and provide the right level of information to guide financial decisions.
- We believe our compensation should be commensurate with the level of experience, education, and effort we provide, as well as the liability and fiduciary responsibility we assume.
We are available to be a sounding board for our clients and their friends and family. We look forward to helping them achieve their goals and reduce their anxiety.